Leave the clutter behind.
Free yourself from chaos. Embrace harmony
A brilliant legacy gifted to us by our ancient scriptures, Yoga focuses on breathing new life and energy into our body. In the rich Sanskrit language it literally means “yoke” or “union”. It is a technique that brings about harmony between the mind and body, by bringing in health and self-awareness.
Yoga not only boosts the immune system, but establishes a great connection between the mind, body, and soul while increasing agility! Experience the various forms of yoga with us, and feel connected to yourself like never before.
Kriyas & Pranayama
Sound Healing
Meditation for a few minutes a day, keeps the stress at bay! Yes, it is so true and at Biorhythm we take different types of meditation into consideration.
Meditation is the process of quieting the mind in order to spend time in thought for relaxation or religious/spiritual purposes. The goal is to attain an inner state of awareness and intensify personal and spiritual growth.
Meditation at Biorhythm
– Stress reduction
– Improved concentration
– Healthy mind & body
– Increased self-awareness
– Improves cardiovascular and immune health
Kriyas & Pranayama
Kriyas are specific sets of exercises, breathing techniques and sound mantras used to unlock energy channels or chakras in the body. The sequence of each kriya is meant to enable subtle and direct changes in the body and mind of the practitioner. Also, a kriya sequence can support a specific body part or organ, such as the intestines, liver, spinal column, etc.
Kriyas with Biorhythm
– Instill positive change in mind and body
– Unlock the energy of the chakras
– Concentrate on specific body parts
– Bring in positivity
Pranayama refers to the technique of regulating one’s breathing through certain breath exercises. These breathing techniques help in clearing emotional and physical obstacles in our body, thereby allowing a free flow of life energy. It improves lung capacity, thereby improving concentration and promoting relaxation and boosts your immunity in order to increase energy levels. It also helps you to calm your mind and it also helps to relieve your stress and enhances the feeling of contentment. It promotes positive and constructive thinking with physical, mental, and emotional relaxation
Sound Healing
How do you free yourself from the stress and chaos all round you? You keep the melody within you alive. At Biorhythm we add joy and melody to people’s life through sound healing. A technique that involves instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, as a therapeutic and transformational healing tool.
This sound healing is great for curing different neurological & psychological issues as well as brings about a sense of calmness and relaxation to the mind and body.
Sound healing is a tried and tested method that instills a sense of calm within!